Mysterious World Of Talking Dolls!

'What is your name?'

'My name is Johnny!'

'Hello Johnny! Say Good Evening to everybody!'

'Good evening dear ladies!'

'How about the gentlemen?'

'I am not interested in them!'

This is a conversation that is being going on a stage between a man and a smartly attired doll in coat and suit who is sitting in the lap of the person. Yes, that is an inanimate doll that talks and enters into dialogue with his master.

This doll can talk with the master and the audience, read any given script, identify the things shown to him and make instant jokes on the situation with his tongue in cheek comments.

The doll is capable of moving his lips while talking, he can blink/wink his eyes, he can move his eye balls from side to side and he can raise the eye brows too. With his head and face movements what he exhibits, any body can get confused if it is an inanimate doll or a liliput sitting in the lap of the master.

Surprised? You must be wondering how this can be possible. Let me assure you that this doll doesn't have any electronic gadget hidden inside it! Then how it is possible for this doll to talk?

Is this some magic or synchronization of dialogues with some sound tracks? No , there is nothing like that!

Then what is the secret of this talking doll?

Indian Ventriloquist Dr A K Rao and His Doll Johnny!

The secret of the talking doll is hidden in the art of Ventriloquism. The person carrying the doll in his lap is known as Ventriloquist and the Doll is known as Ventriloquist's Dummy/Doll. Through the art of Ventriloquism the artist creates an illusion that makes the spectators to feel as if the doll is talking.

Ventriloquism is one of the ancient performing arts that is prevailing in the World today. To create this art the Ventriloquist throws his voice by manipulating the vocal chords and other organs responsible for producing sound in such a manner that the voice seems to be coming from some other object or some other place instead of his mouth. The auditory illusion created by him makes one to believe that the doll sitting in his lap is talking.

I am going to write in details about this art and about the voice, how it is created , in my future posts! Have you ever watched a live Ventriloquist's show? As a Ventriloquist all I can say is really interesting to watch a live show. Please don't miss it, if you ever get a chance to watch it live!
