Cow Poke Baby Love

This weekend was the anticipated baby shower for Josh, sweet Jennifer and her baby belly- the future Eli Kent.  Melanie, with the help of Brooke and myself threw her a precious Cowboy themed party, complete with daisies and boots. :)

Jenny with her 'Any-Day-Now' belly, myself, Brooke (due in Feb) and Mel 
The rather delicous looking (and tasting!) spread of food. 

Brooke graced us with delicous BBQ pork sliders- Me: 'Brooke, tell me about this recipe!'  Brookie: ' can get it off of'/  Shut. Up.  ;)  Love me some CBroc!
 Rather than a shower cake, we opted for mini fruit pies.  SO precious. 
Apple..Peach..Cherry..Lemon.. BIG hit with the guests.
 Lemonade, IBC Root Beer, and Mason Jars.  Need I say more?
Baby Eli with never have enough clothes, apparently.  You think that maybe when I'm registering for my baby, I could throw a couple outfits in for myself?  That may be a stretch...
 More gift opening..
 My seeester.  Very beautiful in her peeeettty dress :)
 Look at all those gifts!
 And another pic of Jenna and Me, just for fun.

A Bonue Side Note: Just for fun I'll share... On Friday, Jordan and I went to dinner with Ashley and Jarrett to Kobe Japanese Steakhouse.  I don't rememeber that last time we had done a hibache style dinner, but I'm positive I've been to one.. sometime or another. 

Filet, Shrimp and Scallop dinner- bring on the veggies!!!
That would be my scruffy hubby.  He has been off for several weeks (really only 4 or 5 shifts) and when he is off, he decides to grow out his beard..
The newest Bride in my life..her and Jarrett will be getting married in April!!  It will be here before you know it!!  (hmmm..reminds me that I need to get my dress..and my shoes..)
 The future DWays.

Super busy weekend, that is for sure.  Jordan is gone this week (again) for bird hunting in Kansas.  He has been working and out of town the past two weeeeekkkks!  Now, another week of his absence.  Boo... absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Hmmm..not sure this heart can get much fonder :) 

On a happier note- ordering my Christmas Cards tomorrow!!! Pumped! We had our pictures done with Jenny a couple weeks back (had to get it in before baby Eli decided to present himself!) The pictures and cards turned out really cute, and I'm excited to send them out.    

Less than two weeks until Thanksgiving-Wooo!
