King Of The Magicians!

U.S Politician calls for execution of anyone who comes into contact with Ebola!

A former general counsel and executive director of the South Carolina Republican Party has come under fire for some obnoxious solutions he made to the Ebola epidemic on Twitter.
The vehemently pro-life Todd Kincannon began by arguing that anyone who contracts Ebola should be summarily executed.

His twits below:

"The protocol for a positive Ebola test should be immediate humane execution and sanitization of the whole area. That will save lives". 

 ".People with Ebola in the US need to be humanely put down immediately. RT : Dallas hospital: U.S. Ebola patient in critical condition".

. "If I was a hospital employee, I would flatly refuse to work on Ebola cases. Hospital employees should do that en masse".

...This is the disaster that happens when a man is not well informed about other societies around the world...Todd Kincannon obviously only sees the world from his myopic and racially blurred point of view.
