Bolt Action Game

My first real game in ages, 2000pts. I opted for a late war British armoured unit, my opponant a late war Waffen SS list.  Needless to say I was rusty and got trounced thanks to 'Mr Naughty' a Tiger Tank.  Great fun though.

 The dining room table repurposed using the new Killing Fields teddy bear fur mat.

 The line of advance for the British. Somwhere lies a PAK40...
 Burning Cromwells
 Lots of burning British tanks. German forces having pushed hard over the table.
 More burning Cromwells...
 17pdr armed Achilles taking a shot
 Sexton strikes a Panzer Mk IV
 The infantry engage with the Panzer Mk IV
The Sherman Firefly strikes a hit on the Tiger amid a field of knocked out tanks
