The Marvel Lucky Bag - May 1972.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

May 1972 had a remarkable gift for churning out films I've never heard of. Among other non-notables, we got such releases as The Possession of Joel Delaney, Chato's Land, Z.P.G. and The Other.

In fact, the only movie from that month I've ever even heard of is Woody Allen's Play It Again, Sam.

But perhaps the most intriguing release was a thing called The Honkers, purely because of its title.

It seems it starred James Coburn and Slim Pickens, though that's all the knowledge I can impart, as that's all Wikipedia says about it.

Rather more well known is the legendary song Amazing Grace which, thanks to the efforts of The Pipes and Drums and The Military Band of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guard, started the 
month at Number One in Britain. That reign, however, was soon ended by T. Rex's Metal Guru which held the top slot for the rest of the month.

Over on the UK album chart, May began with Deep Purple's Machine Head on top before it had to make way for T. Rex's Bolan Boogie.

Amazing Adventures #12, the Beast vs Iron Man

"It had to happen!" declares the cover.

I'm not sure why it had to happen but happen it does, as the newly enfurred Beast takes on Iron Man - and kills him!

Or does he?

Creatures on the Loose #17, Gullivar Jones

Gullivar Jones is still on Mars, on the River of the Dead, and being attacked by hostile spider-things, as he seeks to rescue Princess Thingy.

We also get the story of Gargantus! an intelligent reptile from the depths, who attacks the surface world, until he faints.

That's followed by The Things from Dimension X! in which a scientist creates a link to another dimension, only to discover its inhabitants are set on conquest. Their invasion of Earth is halted, though, when the carved presidents on Mt Rushmore come to life and defeat them.

Er, what?

Marvel Premiere #2, Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock's now on Counter-Earth and out to thwart the dastardly plans of the Satanic Man-Beast.

But, first, he must deal with Rhodan and his Hounds of Helios.

I do believe he does so by devolving the villain into his natural form as a rat - and then letting a cat eat him.

Strangely, we also get the four-page SHIELD story The Yellow Claw in which Jimmy Woo gets captured. Presumably, by the Yellow Claw?

Marvel Spotlight #3, Werewolf by Night

Everyone's favourite werewolf's still causing mischief.

This time, it's for Andrea Timly after she captures him, aiming to make him reveal The Darkhold's location.

Red Wolf #1

Red Wolf gets his own book - and Marvel comics will never be the same again!

Then again, perhaps they will, as the title only goes on to survive for nine issues.

I'm sure it's great, though.

Tomb of Dracula #2

The cover gives us the strangely comedic title Who Stole My Coffin? though the tale inside goes by the rather more serious name The Fear Within.

Whatever we call it, it would appear that someone called Graves is revealed as Dracula's slave, and Drake kills Jeannie.

Where Monsters Dwell #15, Kraa the inhuman

Hooray! I had this one! And that makes it important!

In our main tale, an American investigates the mysterious statues made by an African tribe, and discovers it worships a local who's been mutated by an atomic test.

In the second offering, a naughty medium gets her spirit contacts to frame another medium.

And, finally, an escaped convict learns that, even when free, he cannot escape his sentence.

Sub-Mariner #49, MODOK

It's melodrama to the max, as Dr Doom and Subbie invade MODOK's former base, in search of the Cosmic Cube!

Only to discover it's still his base - and the big-headed miscreant's in no mood to welcome visitors!
